…or, well, I have one. Whoo!
We interrupt your regularly-scheduled blog posts for a SHINY GLITTERY BLUE THING! With some smaller teal and other-shades-of-blue shiny glittery things in the background!
My long-time Twitter bud Clifton Hill awarded me this “most prestigious of accolades” for being full of awesome. Or, um, something like that. I now have the sacred duty to pass it along to four, count ‘em, FOUR, other wonderful and talented writerfolk.
In no particular order…
- J. Koyanagi (@jkoyanagi) is one of the most brilliant wordsmiths I’ve ever had the honor of meeting and befriending. Her worlds are immersive down to the detail and her story-telling impeccable.
- Lyn Thorne-Alder (@lynthornealder) is quite prolific and has been writing books upon books of Addergoole (see link) since well before I knew her. Witty and creative, her YA fiction is anything but typical.
- Josh Hlibichuk (@qrevolution) is a master of steampunk fiction. I had the pleasure of reading his rough draft, and I can’t wait to see it polished and published!
- Jason Letts (@foreverjuly) is an up-and-coming YA author of the series Powerless. Very enthusiastic and talented guy, and I love the concept at the heart of his books.
[…] and brilliant bloggers who inspire and delight me! Now, I did not repeat any of the bloggers I awarded last time, but I still love them. The following awesomelings are great to talk with, either via Twitter or […]
Now that you have a STAR–of blue and shimmeriness–you must wield it with pride and responsibility. Do not let the power go to your head, it is a dangerous thing.
You have been warned…by one that oft lacks seriousness.
Clifton Hill recently posted… Blogging for SF Signal
Thank you so much, A!
J. Koyanagi recently posted… Read in September 2010