Archive for the ‘Collections of Excellency’ Category

In compiling the links I share, I usually pick my favorite quote among those I’ve seen that week. However, since it’s been so long, I wound up with a ton of really great quotes, so here you go!

Female asses are… mysterious creatures. ~David Attenborough

The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel. ~Steve Furtick

Acquire inner peace and a multitude will find their salvation near you. ~Catherine De Hueck Doherty

What makes you vulnerable makes you beautiful. ~Brené Brown

Watching the moon at dawn, solitary, mid-sky, I knew myself completely: no part left out. ~Izumi Shikibu

You’re going to mess up sometimes. But the good part is, you get to decide how you’re gonna mess it up. ~Marilyn Monroe

Self-respect is the fruit of discipline. ~Abraham Joshua Heschel

You are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing. ~E. E. Cummings

The most valuable possession you can own is an open heart. The most powerful weapon you can be is an instrument of peace. ~Carlos Santana

He has drawn back, only in order to have enough room for his leap. ~Friedrich Nietzsche

Much like how a flock of crows is called a “murder,” a collection of mistakes is called a “life.” ~Robert Bennett

When it comes right down to it, all you have is your self. Your self is a sun with a thousand rays. ~Picasso

When we are gentle with ourselves, we are naturally gentle with others. ~Sakyong

Thus it begins! These links have been collected over the past six weeks. There are a lot of them. You’re welcome. ;)

BUT FIRST, I would like to let you all know that I now have a Pinterest account, where there are many shiny things. Come see!

This Week’s Shinies:

Current Earworm: Wolf by First Aid Kit. I cannot get this out of my head!

I have a Macbook Pro at work and PCs at home. The CMD key on my Mac, the PC equivalent of CTRL, is where my PC ALT key is. This results in me having to switch kinetic habits with every computer. ARGH.

This Week’s Shinies:

Current Earworm: Forever One by Kobra and the Lotus, thanks to my sister seeing them live as an opening band recently!

The Friday Quote:

Don’t let your struggle become your identity. ~Ralston Bowles

Instagrams of the Week:

In the spirit of the season! Our in-progress tree, and OH MY GOD IT SNOWED A TINY TINY BIT THIS IS INCREDIBLE BECAUSE IT’S TEXAS:

Omigoodness busy busy busy.

This Week’s Shinies:

The Friday Quote:

Life is like music; it must be composed by ear, feeling, and instinct, not by rule. ~Samuel Butler

Instagrams of the Week:

On the left, you have my friend from the third floor balcony of my workplace; on the right, you can see what a well-insulated nap I had! (Two dogs, two cats, one me, and one panda pillow.)

This week went by in a rush, and tomorrow it is December 1st… with a high of 78*F. Oh, Texas.

This Week’s Shinies:

Current Earworm: “A Simple Song,” played on a five-octave mbira ohmygod.

The Friday Quote:

If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I see my life in terms of music. ~Albert Einstein

Instagrams of the Week:

We placed a new bead order from our wholesaler, and ohmygoodness. The photo on the left isn’t even showing all of them – there’s more in the box!

Loving up this glorious extra-long weekend! Spending most of it writing and sleeping in, so forgive me if I’m a wee bit short on links today. :D

Current Earworm: The entire OceanLab album called Sirens of the Sea, including Just Listen.

The Friday Quote:

You’re only given a little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it. ~Robin Williams

Instagrams of the Week:

A breath of fresh air.

See title of post. *falls flat on face*


The Friday Quote:

Make the best use of what is in your power, and take the rest as it happens. ~Epictetus

Instagrams of the Week:

My redonkulously adorable dogs. BB on the left, Orion on the right.

I feel like I’ve done absolutely nothing but absorb giant amounts of new information this week: new faces, new names, new tasks, and a new office floorplan that is labyrinthine. Whew! So glad it’s the weekend.

Current Earworm: Miracle of Sound: Little Sister – This isn’t a new-to-me song, but I love the musicality, and it’s fun to sing with, so it gets to be this week’s earworm.

The Friday Quote:

Say good things to everyone. Treat everyone with total respect, and it will all come back. ~Bob Proctor

Instagrams of the Week:

Shots from my new workplace! On the left, faux-sunlight strips (picture taken at night! I LOVE THESE THINGS) and on the right, one of my cubicle companions with the spoils of (Nerf) war. :D

National Novel-Writing Month has begun! And with it, all my free time has lunged out the window – or, more accurately, into the keyboard.

Current Earworm: Florence + The Machine: Seven Devils – This is the sole inspiration for my NaNoWriMo novel.

The Friday Quote:

Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely. ~Auguste Rodin

Instagrams of the Week:

In honor of NaNo, my writing buddies:

It’s a sparse selection we’ve got today, but we shall soldier on nonetheless!

Current Earworm: Muse: Follow Me – I am so in love with this song right now.

The Friday Quote:

As a curse, “fuck you” is just so passé nowadays. I propose “may you never be fucked again” for greater offense. ~The Angsty Magician

Instagrams of the Week:

In honor of the season: the pumpkin my partner acquired, and our backyard trees.