Posts Tagged ‘15minfic’

In an effort to write more, connect more, and have more fun, I am raising @15minfic from the dead. (Cue the chanting, incense, and gothic candle-holders. Mmm, incense.)

In essence, 15 Minute Ficlets is prompt-based spontaneous writing. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I’ll post a prompt – a word, an image, a quote, some lyrics – and as soon as you see the prompt, you start writing. You only get fifteen minutes to put words down. The prompt will be posted on the forum and on Twitter.

From there, you can do whatever you want. I suggest posting your ficlet in a reply to the original prompt on the forum and/or share it wherever you live on the internet – Twitter (hashtag: #15minfic), Facebook, your blog, etc. I want to help both of us write more often and more freely, and this is my favorite method of doing it.

Wanna play? Check out today’s image prompt!