See, There's This Thing Called Geofiction

I am a geofiction enthusiast - it's What I Do. All this writing, all these doodles, they're all just attempts to get this stuff out of my head and into the air between my eyes and yours. 90% of my creative work revolves around the things I've discovered and designed. That's why I have two massive wikis filled with data, descriptions, and ideas for two major universes and several isolated fantasy worlds. That's why I'm teaching people to speak a fictional language. It's what I do.

Oh, you're curious about that?

  • The Gurhai Universe Wiki - Setting of the Jubagh series, home to tiny suns, flat planets, one hundred intelligent races, magic that's more advanced than technology, and intersun ships that sail unbreathable winds through the void between the worlds.
  • The Bestiary / Lavanaverse Wiki - Home to an alternate future-Earth, scifi spaceships, a galactic threat, hundreds of sentient species, ascended Creators who affected the development of dozens of races. Also home to the disparate fantasy worlds where magic is high and tensions are higher.
  • Learn Uhjayi - Uhjayi is a root-based fictional language that comes with a unique syntax, written script, and pronunciation pattern. You can learn it here with written and audio lessons.

How About Some Random Ideas, Eh?

If you want random, nothing beats an idea generator. You can click a button to get a fresh, possibly bizarre character, species, world, plant, religion, alien word, and more. Check out my Idea Generators and start clicking! You never know what you'll find.

What Is Geofiction, Exactly?

Geofiction is a niche term for a form of worldbuilding that is done for worldbuilding's sake, rather than as merely a background to a particular story or character. If the story is the chicken, geofiction is the egg; given enough attention and time, a clutch of worlds will hatch stories, whether you intended them to or not. Worldbuilding itself is the art of developing a fictional world, including cultures, languages (see 'conlangs' below), technology, history, weaponry, magic, religion, philosophy, physiology, psychology, flora, fauna, physics, etc. You can worldbuild in any genre, including realistic fiction: if you made up a town for the setting of your high school drama or modern warfare short story, you've worldbuilt.

And These Conlang & Cypher Things?

Conlangs have been called many things: constructed languages, model languages, articial languages, giant wastes of time, and self-inflicted headaches are among the most common terms. Conlangs can be as complex as real-world languages or as simple as a handful of vocabulary terms and no syntax.

Cyphers are letter-exchangers, trading one letter for another to make a code that may or may not be pronunciable; some cyphers use numbers and symbols as well.