Much to my surprise and delight, a very sweet blogger-writer gave me an award! Ooh, shiny. Thank you so much! You tolerate me, you really really tolerate me! :B
Of course, it comes with terms. I have to introduce her, reveal seven things you don’t know about me, and then share the love with five other bloggers. Who then get to do the same song and dance (if you want!). Also, I owe someone my firstborn, I think. I never read the fine print that carefully.
Meet the talented Patti Larsen, a YA author and insightful writer. She recently sold her first book to Acorn Press and writes scripts for a teen web series. (How cool is that?) She posts samples of her fiction every Sunday – you should check those out. I also adore her in-the-writing-process posts, which are touching and gritty.
Now, a brief tangent before we get to those Unknown Seven Things. A few weeks ago, I discovered some… interesting… search terms that led to my blog. Such as “genderqueer dinosaur.” I was so amused and decided to write a blog post around those terms. So! In honor of my genderfunk and my secret saurian nature, I present to you:
The Littlest Genderqueer Dinosaur, Ty
- As a kid, I would sit outside in the yard with a notepad and pen and write down observations on the invisible dinosaurs I was watching. I even drew a diagram of how a pack of Velociraptors would hunt me where I sat. I named them all.
- I had the Jurassic Park Compound when I was young. My other toys (usually animal figurines) would frequently discover the human-toys lying dead and the dinosaurs roaming free.
- Utahraptors are my favorite dinosaurs. This is probably because of reading and adoring Raptor Red by Robert T. Bakker as a kid. (I still love it as an adult.)
- My first grade teacher was a dinosaur nut and is responsible for my obsession. We made a life-sized paper maché Protoceratops in class.
- We also made giant paper maché eggs that “hatched” little dinosaur erasers. Each kid had their own and got to hatch them after a few months.
- Unsurprisingly, I wanted to be a paleontologist when I was a kid. What I really meant by that, though, is “I want to study living dinosaurs in the field,” which is why I eventually switched to craving zoology.
- Up through sixth grade, I pretended to be a raptor. Including in school, complete with stilted gait and tucking-my-arms-in and “hunting” people at recess. I have no idea why no student or teacher ever batted an eye.
Paying It Forward
Time for some completely amazing, wonderiffic, friendly, and brilliant bloggers who inspire and delight me! Now, I did not repeat any of the bloggers I awarded last time, but I still love them. The following awesomelings are great to talk with, either via Twitter or email, which I really appreciate. I love one-on-one interaction. I love when people care, and these guys do.
- Do Mi Stauber is a multi-talented wonder: she does colored-pencil art, she plays guitar and sings, she teachers people how to teach, and she’s a book indexer. She is talks about everything with such freshness that she makes me want to index books, too. And play mo’ guitar and draw more and basically do everything cool in the world.
- Shanna Mann has a sharp tongue and a sharper wit; she’ll delve into deep, mind-twisty discussions that leave you feeling satisfied with time and synapses well-spent. She encourages open-minded skepticism and promotes critical thinking, especially when dealing with the intangible.
- Fabeku Fatunmise is an orange ninja. (What, you need more than that?) He’s also a drummer and a singing-bowl player (bowl-singer?) and very savvy in just about every way. He also has free soundbytes if you want some soothing sounds from his bowls, which are gorgeous.
- Reba X is brilliant and clever, and her blog is full of heart and wisdom. Every post is rich and honest and so worth reading.
- Patrick Hester is rockin’ his geekitude and writing about writing, comics, cool TV series, SF/F books, and his cat. Oh, and he runs a pretty damn awesome podcast called Functional Nerds.
Just to clarify, my shiny stylish bloggers, you don’t have to post this award on your blog if you don’t want to. Totally optional! Spread the love if you want, but it’s not required. I just wanted to give a shout-out to some of my awesomelings ’cause y’all rock. ♥
Thanks again to Patti for passing me this award, and thanks to my five buddies above for being awesome!
[…] Once is happenstance… […]
[…] Once is happenstance… […]
[…] Unfortunately, the internet connection where I am (somewhere between ‘small town New Zealand’ and ‘the sticks’) freaks out at the idea of me uploading an image to this blogpost, so if you would like to see proof of its existence, you will need to go to Ty’s blogpost. […]
Wow, I’m speechless! Thank you so much, Ty. You’ve got a bit of the awesome thing going yourself. I like tweeting with you, too.
Do Mi Stauber recently posted… My Search for the One Thing- or How Barbara Sher Changed My Life for the Third Time
You are very welcome! Thank you for being such an awesome person and having such a cool blog. :D
Hey Ty! Thanks! I’m really flattered. Strings? What strings? I read Patty’s post and *I* never saw any strings. “I have no strings, as you can see, there are no strings on meeeeeeeee”
By the way, life-sized protoceratops? Sweeeet. I used to work at the T.rex Discovery Centre, home of Scotty the T.rex (6th! most complete T.rex in the world) Good times. Good times.
Shanna Mann recently posted… Open-minded Skepticism
Thanks for the morning’s earworm. *raspberries*
You worked in the T-rex Discovery Center? I am so envious. I’d love to do something like that.
(Also, you’re welcome. :D)
#1 made me laugh out loud. And my over active imagination will take that tonight and give me nightmares. Thanks for that, Ty. :)
Patti Larsen recently posted… I Got a Stylish Blogger Award! WHOOP!
Whaaat? The raptors aren’t evil – they’re just hungry!
I was a strange child. And now I’m a strange adult. Some things just don’t change. :D