Grave Moss & Stars


Please note, lovely readers: All of this is a work-in-progress. It will change as I continue digging through books and other sources. Do not take this as a rock-solid encyclopedic entry at any point. :)

Hail Serqet, Our Lady of Scorpions!


– scorpions
— an unverified source claims She was originally associated with the water-scorpion, not a “true” scorpion, and that visual similarity linked Her with “true” scorpions
—— may be considered shown with/as the water-scorpion as a benevolent form of the “true” scorpion
– protection
— of children
— of pregnant women
—— has assisted in a few (usually royal) births
— of the king
—— especially the scorpion kings :D
— of innocents
— against scorpions
— against snakes and reptiles
— against poisons/venom in general
— against Ap-p (Apophis)
—— shown as guarding him when he was captured
— against a dangerous twist in a pathway in the afterlife
— of the dead (due to Her association with fluids causing stiffening)
— of the canopic jar containing the intestines, which was associated with poison
— of the tents of embalmers
– punishment of wrongdoers/criminals/etc
— fights Ap-p from Ra’s night-barque
— could be the Eye of Ra
—— the heat of the sun
– healing
— from poison
— from addiction (modern association)
— from emotional/mental trauma (modern association)
— from drug abuse (modern association)
— patron of doctors (who were also magicians) who specialized in poisons
—— magic
– the direction west (associated with death and rebirth, as well as the canopic jar She guards)


– a scorpion
— personal inference: the deathstalker scorpion is one of the most deadly scorpions in Egypt and is likely to have been associated with Her
— a sevenfold scorpion form (such as what accompanied Aset and baby Heru-sa-Aset as guardians)
– a woman with a scorpion on her head
— the scorpion is often shown without a stinger or pincers to indicate benevolence
— holding a was sceptre and ankh
— occasionally wearing a solar disk with cow horns, typically when linked to Aset
– a scorpion-bodied, human-headed hybrid (typically lacking stinger and pincers)
– a lioness-headed woman (when being an Eye of Ra, presumably) with a crocodile head protruding from the back of Her neck
— a lioness
– a rearing cobra (in funerary scenes)


– is equated with Aset (Isis) by many modern Kemetics (named as Serqet-Aset or Aset-Serqet, depending on which “role” She takes at that moment)
— is paired with Aset in antiquity as Nebt-het and Nit are paired in antiquity
— has been described as “Aset the Scorpion”
— has been described as Aset’s sister
– linked to Nebt-het and Nit, as well as Aset, as protectors of the canopic jars
— especially paired with Nit, as Aset and Nebt-het are paired as sisters
—— because Nebt-het and Nit are thought to be the same, Aset and Serqet can be considered the same
– linked to falcon-headed Qebesenuef, one of the Four Sons of Heru (Horus), Whose canopic jar She protects
– protector of Heru-sa-Aset (Horus the Younger), especially in His infancy
– mother or daughter of Ra
– wife of Heru-wer (Horus the Elder)
– mother of Heruakhety (Horus of the Horizon)
– mother of Nehebkau


– She Who Breathes (translation of name)
— She Who Tightens The Throat (alt. translation)
— She Who Makes The Throat Breathe (alt. translation)
– Mistress of the Beautiful House (referring to the mummification tent)
– Lady of the Beautiful Tent
– Mistress of Heaven
– Mistress of the Sacred Land (referring to the necropolis)
– Lady of All The Gods
– Serqet the Great
– The Divine Mother


– Cult centers in the Delta and at Djeba and Per-Serqet (Pselkis, el Dakka).
– No formal dedicated temples.
– One of Her myths tells how She accompanied Aset (either pregnant or with infant Heru-sa-Aset) into a village, seeking shelter. Aset was turned away by a rich woman but welcomed in by a poor woman, and Serqet stung the rich woman’s son in irritation/indignance over her refusal of the goddesses. Aset took pity on the boy and healed him.
– Serqet both protected Heru-sa-Aset as an infant and youth, and also stung Him when She got annoyed by His constant crying.

(I am) Serqet, mistress of heaven and lady of all the gods. I have come before you (Oh) King’s Great Wife, Mistress of the Two Lands, Lady of Upper and Lower Egypt, Nefertari, Beloved of Mut, Justified Before Osiris Who Resides in Abtu (Abydos), and I have accorded you a place in the sacred land, so that you may appear gloriously in heaven like Ra.

— Inscription in the Tomb of Nefetari, Serqet speaking to Nefertari

Back, evil one, living on me in the arms of the night,
Your abomination is in my belly, your poison in my head.
Back, evil one, living on me in the arms of the night,
For Serqet is within me without my having asked.

— Prayer to Serqet for freedom from poison/chemical addiction, from The Ancient Egyptian Prayerbook by Rev. Siuda

Aset closes Her arms around me.
Nebt-het hugs me.
Nit encircles me.
Serqet puts Her arms on me.
I am protected.

— Double Truths Heka, from The Ancient Egyptian Prayerbook by Rev. Siuda